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Affected version(s): 7.8.4-rev46


After installing Patch 4932 the Documentconverter fails to start.
This a workaround is available to solve this until an emergency fix is delivered by Open-Xchange.


Please use the following code to prevent the issue / to use the workaround:

ln -nfs /opt/open-xchange/osgi/bundle.d/com.openexchange.config.lean.ini /opt/open-xchange/documentconverter/osgi/bundle.d/
systemctl restart open-xchange-documentconverter-server

On RHEL6/CentOS6 without systemd

ln -nfs /opt/open-xchange/osgi/bundle.d/com.openexchange.config.lean.ini /opt/open-xchange/documentconverter/osgi/bundle.d/
service open-xchange-documentconverter-server restart


Open-Xchange provided a fix with patch 4973, Open-Xchange Documentconverter 7.8.4-rev9. Please update.

See also the following Patch Release Notes.

There is no content with the specified labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (john-david.henderson)

    This is an older version now and no longer supported. This patch is now also and fixed in the 7.10.x release #archive