Affected version(s): all
You want to change the default UI configuration.
In this example chrome is used, for an overview how to enable developer mode in other browsers please have a look at:
- login into OX Appsuite
- open the developer console with ctrl shift i
- navigate to the setting you want to change
- change the setting, for example the view
- you see in the network tab, in the list on the left: slob?action=set&id=io.ox[...],
- select it (the last one)
- scroll down in the right pane, you see "Query String parameters"
- id is the key you need later
- scroll down further, you see all the parameters
- in this example it's layout: "horizontal"
- this has to added to /opt/open-xchange/etc/settings/
A double forward slash is needed and not a typo.
The names of the function are usually self-explanatory like contactCollectOnMailTransport for selecting collecting contacts on sent.
This already should have changed the default setting. To make it possible that the user can change it and it get stored you also have to add:
protected: false
note that the two leading spaces before "protected: ..." are important, if you miss them it will not work.
After restart of the open-xchange service the settings should be applied.
Note: This is not covered by support and the settings might not work/change in future versions.