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Affected version(s): all


The open-xchange service is not starting successfully. You can't log into the service and commands like listuser are not working.

You can check this with service open-xchange status or by looking at the logfiles under /var/log/open-xchange/

In some recent support requests we found that the permissions in the osgi directory where wrong. If this is the case you see something like this in the open-xchange-osgi.log:

MESSAGE The -clean (osgi.clean) option was not successful. Unable to clean the storage area: /opt/open-xchange/osgi/org.eclipse.osgi
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi
!MESSAGE Error reading configuration: /opt/open-xchange/osgi/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (Permission denied)

Root Cause

The open-xchange program should not be used to start the service as root user. Use the commands below instead. If you start open-xchange via this command it changes the permissions of some files/directories. Since 7.6.2 there is a check build in which will produce an error message and quit if you don't start it as the open-xchange user. Another cause could be wrong permissions from a backup or from copying files.


You have to change the permisions/ownership:

chown -R open-xchange:open-xchange /opt/open-xchange/osgi/

and restart the open-xchange service:

service open-xchange restart


systemctl restart open-xchange