Since mid 2021 we are supporting and require a so called "Class of Service" attribute per mailbox.
This was finally necessary because the current ModuleAccessCombinations are not able to support more recently added features as well as it cannot be used for features outside of App Suite in general.
The use of Class of Service is currently already required to enable some product packages. (e.g. the ones offering Mail Undelete, Time-of-click antiphishing and Safe Unsubscribe.)
OX Cloud specifies currently four different product classes. The following table shows how the mailboxes should be configured onwards (both the MAC and the COS need to be provisioned for every mailbox). For the 2021 Product classes this is mandatory. For the 2020 it is recommended but not yet mandatory. When mailboxes are provisioned using COS any legacy attributes (like the ones for Guard) should be removed, otherwise they will always have a higher priority as the COS setting and switching products stays more complex.
(Changes are marked bold)
Product | Features 2020 | Current Features | New Provisioning for 2020 Packages | Provisioning for current Packages |
PIM | Groupware | Groupware | MAC: cloud_pim COS: cloud_pim | MAC: cloud_pim COS: cloud_pim |
PIM + Productivity | Groupware | Groupware Drive Documents Mail Undelete | MAC: cloud_productivity COS: cloud_productivity | MAC: cloud_productivity COS: cloud_productivity |
PIM + Security | Groupware Guard | Groupware Guard Time-of-click Antiphishing Safe Unsubscribe | MAC: cloud_pim COS: guard Previous attributes to REMOVE from existing users: | MAC: cloud_security COS: cloud_security |
PIM + Productivity + Security | Groupware Drive Documents Guard | Groupware | MAC: cloud_productivity COS: guard Attributes to REMOVE from existing users: | MAC: cloud_productivity_security COS: cloud_productivity_security |
How to start using Class of Service
- stop to provision any specific userAttributes
- create mailboxes with a class of service definition as shown in the table above and as documented here
(Cloud Plugins REST API also exposes access to the class of service)
How to migrate existing mailboxes
- Continue to provision the MAC as before
- In addition set the new COS attribute
- remove userAttributes you provisioned before from the user when setting the class of service
Other notes
OX Cloud Easy introduced new features which become active for mailboxes as soon as the class of service is set accordingly:
- cloud_productivity now contains the Mail Undelete feature which retains deleted mails for 14 days so they can be recovered from the App Suite UI (context menu item in Trash)
- the two packages including security features (cloud_security and cloud_productivity_security) now in addition contain
- Safe Unsubscribe
- Time of Click Antiphishing checks
Known issues
- SOAP OXResellerUserService.getData()/getMultipleData() returns class of service which was initially set when creating the mailbox. NOT the current data. Cloud Plugins API works correctly.
- Not really an issue but noteworthy: When changing the product for a mailbox two API calls have to be done (changeByModuleAccessName() for access combination and change() or Cloud Plugins for class of service).
- Currently, specifying two times the same identifier looks a bit superfluous. That has a technical background, and we are looking to further improve the provisioning workflow.