Affected version(s): OXGuard 2.8-rev16 and older. 

OXGuard 2.8-rev17 and newer has this issue fixed.

Please consider upgrading to latest version of OXGuard 2.10 


A user sends and encrypted mail to an unknown "external" address and uses the extra PIN functionality. The recipient does not see the extra PIN, only a password which he does not yet know. This is confusing for the end user.

The issue occurs when the user is not assigned a password, but a PIN was applied. To reproduce, make sure the following settings are applied:



Workaround #1

Send the encrypted mail, but do not use the extra PIN functionality. In this case, the guest receives the encrypted message with a link to the temporary account. After following this link, the user is recognized as a new guest and can set his own password.

Workaround #2

If com.openexchange.guard.newGuestRequirePassword=true then the user will have a password available, and will then be prompted for a pin.



(warning) Remember to restart your OXApp Server to allow the changes to take place.


Tracked as Bug #58230

STATUS: Fixed in OX Guard 2.8-rev17

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