Affected version(s): 8.29
Rendering of the appsuite-stack chart fails when you try to configure a redis cache instance for the core-mw component of the appsuite-stack like
appsuite: core-mw: redis: enabled: true mode: standalone hosts: - "alice-redis-master:6379" cache: enabled: true mode: standalone hosts: - "alice-redis-master:6379"
The rendering of the chart will fail with an error like:
helm.go:84: [debug] template: asbox/charts/appsuite-pro/charts/core-mw/templates/type-scoped-resources.yaml:12:3: executing "asbox/charts/appsuite-pro/charts/core-mw/templates/type-scoped-resources.yaml" at <include $resourceSpec.template (dict "Values" $resourceSpec.values "Context" $globalContext "ResourceName" $>: error calling include: template: asbox/charts/appsuite-pro/charts/core-mw/templates/typeSpecific/properties-lean-configmap.tpl:22:3: executing "" at <tpl ($.Context.Files.Get $path) $.Context>: error calling tpl: error during tpl function execution for "com.openexchange.redis.hosts={{ required \"Redis host is required!\" (include \"ox-common.redis.hosts\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .)) }} com.openexchange.redis.username={{ include \"ox-common.redis.username\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} com.openexchange.redis.password={{ include \"ox-common.redis.password\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} {{- $redisMode := include \"ox-common.redis.mode\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} com.openexchange.redis.mode={{ $redisMode }} {{- if eq \"sentinel\" $redisMode }} com.openexchange.redis.sentinel.masterId={{ include \"ox-common.redis.sentinelMasterId\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} {{- end }} {{- $redisCacheEnabled := include \"ox-common.redis.cache.enabled\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} com.openexchange.redis.cache.enabled={{ $redisCacheEnabled }} {{- if eq \"true\" $redisCacheEnabled }} com.openexchange.redis.cache.username={{ include \"ox-common.redis.cache.username\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} com.openexchange.redis.cache.password={{ include \"ox-common.redis.cache.password\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} {{- $redisCacheMode := include \"ox-common.redis.cache.mode\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} com.openexchange.redis.cache.mode={{ $redisCacheMode }} {{- if eq \"sentinel\" $redisCacheMode }} com.openexchange.redis.cache.sentinel.masterId={{ include \"ox-common.redis.cache.sentinelMasterId\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .) }} {{- end }} com.openexchange.redis.cache.hosts={{ required \"Redis host is required!\" (include \"ox-common.redis.cache.hosts\" (dict \"redis\" .Values.redis \"context\" .)) }} {{- end }} ": execution error at (asbox/charts/appsuite-pro/charts/core-mw/templates/type-scoped-resources.yaml:20:38): Redis host is required!
The important part of the error message ist: Redis host is required!
Instead of configuring the cache for the core-mw component just configure it globally like
global: redis: cache: enabled: true mode: standalone hosts: - "alice-redis-master:6379"
Tracked as Bug
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